How To Creating A Mindful Work Environment At Home

If you’re like me, the idea of working from home can seem a dream come true. But then, two hours into your workday, you find yourself watching Netflix instead of getting stuff done. 

The truth is that working remotely can be easier than being stuck in an office all day—but you need to take care of yourself if it’s going to be productive. 

That means creating a mindful work environment at home where you feel comfortable and supported as much as possible:

How To Be More Mindful At Work And Home
Mindfulness can help create a healthy work-life balance.
Self-care is vital for maintaining balance and wellness while working from home.
Mindfulness can help reduce the impact of stress in creating a productive work environment.
Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your workday can lead to better productivity and focus.
Creating a productive work environment at home with kids is possible.

Start Your Morning With A Sense Of Intention

Wake up before you start working.

Get out of bed and take a few minutes to relax and reflect on what you want to accomplish that day.

Set an intention for the day, or even just for an hour or two. For example, my intention today is to focus on one project at a time, with no distractions from other projects until that one is complete.

Mindfulness is crucial in achieving a healthy work-life balance, as “creating a mindful work environment at home” requires being present, focused, and alert. If you want to learn more about the importance of mindfulness in work-life balance, check out our article on the importance of mindfulness in maintaining work-life balance.

Take A Couple Of Minutes To Focus On Your Breath

  • Take a couple of minutes to focus on your breath.
  • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing on the sensation of each deep breath as it moves through your body. This can help bring you back into the present moment and create a sense of calm, which will help prevent burnout at work (or at home).
  • After a few minutes, go back to work!

Recommended Mindfulness Apps for Focusing on Breath

App NameDescription
HeadspaceHeadspace offers a variety of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, including those focused on breath. With a range of sessions available from just a few minutes to an hour, the app makes it easy to prioritize mindfulness in your day.
CalmCalm is a popular meditation app that offers several guided breathing exercises, including the 4-7-8 technique, box breathing, and more. The app also features nature sounds and other calming audio to help you relax and focus.
BreathwrkBreathwrk offers a variety of breathing exercises for different purposes, including reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting relaxation. The app provides detailed instructions on how to perform each technique and tracks your progress over time.
OakOak is a free meditation and breathing app that offers a variety of guided meditations and breathing exercises. The app includes customizable session lengths and ambient sounds to help you focus on your breath.

Note: It’s important to remember that finding the right mindfulness app is a personal choice, and what works for one person may not work for another. These apps are just a few suggested options for those looking to incorporate mindfulness and breathing exercises into their daily routine.

Make Plans For Breaks – And Take Them!

Making plans for breaks is important because it helps you get the work done. It also means that when your mind is ready to stop working, you have somewhere to go and something to do.

How often should I take a break?

It’s best if you take a break every hour or so. If this feels overwhelming, start by taking a break after every 30 minutes of work and then adjust in baby steps as needed. 

You can also spread out your breaks throughout the day instead of taking them all at once or getting up from your desk during the same time period each day (for example: 10am-10:30am).

What kind of break should I take?

A short walk outside will do wonders for both your body and mind! Taking more time off than this might start feeling like an additional chore rather than something enjoyable; however, if an hour sounds too long right now then don’t worry about it yet – try half an hour every other day until you get used to having more free time in between tasks instead of just adding another one onto what already seemed like an insurmountable workload!

Creating a self-care routine is vital for maintaining balance and wellness while working from home. To find out how to create a self-care routine that works for you, check out our article on creating a self-care routine for working from home.

Do Something Physical Each Day

You may be able to get away with a few hours of sitting in your office chair or on the couch at home, but your body needs activity. Try doing something physical every day, even if it’s just taking a walk around the block. 

This keeps your body healthy and improves focus and concentration both essential for any successful work environment. If you have trouble thinking of ideas when you’re not at work, then this is an especially important step to take!

Physical exercise also promotes good sleep habits so that when you finally do get into bed for some shut-eye (which we all know is crucial), your body will be ready to rest well. Finally, regular physical activity can help relieve stress because it releases endorphins feel-good chemicals associated with happiness and relaxation

Fitness Apps for Incorporating Daily Physical Activity

App NameDescription
Nike Training ClubThe Nike Training Club app offers a range of workouts, from yoga and Pilates to strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With workout plans tailored to your fitness level and goals, the app helps you stay motivated and on track.
MyFitnessPalMyFitnessPal is a comprehensive fitness app that tracks your workouts and exercise progress, as well as your nutrition and calorie intake. With features like barcode scanning and the ability to connect with fitness trackers, the app makes it easy to get a full picture of your health and wellness.
Zombies, Run!Looking for a fun way to get active? Try Zombies, Run!, an app that turns your daily run or walk into a zombie apocalypse adventure. As you move, you’ll collect supplies and defend against zombie attacks, adding an element of excitement to your physical activity.
SevenShort on time? Seven offers a series of bodyweight workouts that you can do in just seven minutes. With more than 200 different exercises available, the app helps you fit in a quick workout even on your busiest days.

Note: These apps are just a few suggested options for those looking to incorporate fitness and physical activity into their daily routine. It’s important to find an activity that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle and fitness level.

Create A Workspace Where You Feel Comfortable

Create a workspace where you feel comfortable. It’s important to have a workspace that is conducive to productivity, but there are many factors that can play into this. To create the perfect environment for your own comfort level, think about:

Temperature: Are you warm enough? Too cold? Is your room too hot or cold?

Lighting: How much light is in your space? Is it too bright or dark for concentrating on work tasks?

Noise level: Are there too many noises around your home (i.e., barking dogs, sirens) making it hard to concentrate? Or do you prefer silence and need headphones or ear plugs so as not to get distracted by external sounds while working at home on projects such as school work assignments, personal projects, etc.?

Some of these accommodations may require just moving existing items around in order to make sure they’re within reach while still being out of sight if possible; others will require purchasing additional tools such as lamps/flashlights if necessary.”

Stress can be a major obstacle to creating a mindful work environment, but the practice of mindfulness can help reduce its impact. To discover the power of mindfulness in reducing stress, read our article on the power of mindfulness in reducing stress.

Make It Smell Nice In There!

It’s been demonstrated that smells can have an effect on your mood, so it’s important to create the right setting for a mindful work environment. 

Studies have shown that a pleasant scent helps us relax and feel more positive, which is exactly what you want when you’re trying to focus on something difficult or stressful.

  • Set up good ventilation.

Even if you do use scented candles and incense (which are great for creating a relaxing atmosphere), make sure that your room has good ventilation so that the scents don’t overpower your ability to concentrate. 

If you’re thinking about burning incense outside of winter months where there’s no risk of smoke damage from the fireplace, I recommend using potpourri instead—it smells just as nice but won’t leave behind any lingering residues! 

Aromatherapy oils are another option; they come with diffusers that allow them to spread throughout the room without having an open flame around flammable materials like wood or paper products nearby plus these oils tend not too much at all unless left open overnight without being refilled before morning arrives again.”

Recommended Home Fragrance Brands for Creating a Pleasant Environment

Brand NameDescription
P.F. Candle Co.P.F. Candle Co. offers a range of candles, reed diffusers, and room sprays in a variety of scents, from earthy and woody to floral and fruity. Using natural ingredients like soy wax and essential oils, the brand creates high-quality, long-lasting fragrances that can help transform your home.
Mrs. Meyer’sMrs. Meyer’s offers a line of cleaning and home fragrance products made with plant-derived ingredients and essential oils. With a range of scents available, including lavender, lemon verbena, and basil, the brand’s products can help create a fresh and inviting home environment.
DiptyqueKnown for its luxury candles and perfumes, Diptyque offers a range of home fragrances, including diffusers, room sprays, and scented ovals. With unique scents like Baies, Feu de Bois, and Ambre, the brand’s products can help create an elevated and sophisticated home environment.
Jo MaloneJo Malone is a high-end fragrance brand that offers a range of scents for the home, including candles, diffusers, and room sprays. With classic fragrances like Lime Basil & Mandarin and English Pear & Freesia, as well as new, seasonal scents, the brand’s products can help transform your home into a luxurious and inviting space.

Note: These brands are just a few suggested options for those looking to incorporate home fragrances into their living space. It’s important to find scents that you personally enjoy and that match your home’s decor and aesthetic.

Stick To Your Work Hours As Much As Possible

When you’re trying to be mindful of your work environment, it’s easy to overcommit yourself. But if you know that taking on too much will lead to stress and burnout, it might be best to scale things back a little bit. 

If you find yourself having trouble sticking to your work hours as much as possible (and missing out on important breaks), make sure you have a plan for when those breaks will happen so that they don’t slip by unnoticed.

  • It’s okay to take breaks! Just make sure that when they’re over, you get back at it again.

Incorporating mindfulness into your workday can lead to better productivity and focus. To learn simple mindfulness techniques you can incorporate into your workday, check out our guide on 15 simple mindfulness techniques for a more productive workday.

Try The Pomodoro Technique When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed Or Unmotivated

Pomodoro is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It encourages breaks in between work periods, with each work period being 25 minutes long.

The technique may seem simple—but it’s proven effective for many people who struggle with focus and productivity. 

All you need to do is set aside a specific time where you’re allowed to work on your tasks uninterrupted, then set up a timer for 25 minutes (or however long will be manageable). 

When that time is up, take a break for five minutes before starting again at the same point where you left off. Repeat this process until all of your tasks have been completed or until the end of the day arrives!

When You’re Feeling Extra Anxious, Do A Mindful Body Scan

A mindful body scan is a quick and easy way to check in with yourself. It’s like a snapshot of how you’re doing right now and can help you stay in the moment instead of worrying about what could happen in the future or dwelling on things that have already happened. 

It’s also an opportunity for self-care a chance to give yourself some positive attention by focusing on all the good things about your body and mind.

To do this exercise, sit comfortably with your eyes closed or open but unfocused, take three deep breaths and then silently repeat “breathing” as you inhale and exhale each breath for one minute (or longer if needed). 

As possible, notice any sensations from within your body (like emotions or physical pain) without judging them as good or bad; just focus on observing whatever comes into awareness without judgment. 

If thoughts come up during the exercise and they probably will simply note them without getting caught up in them by gently returning attention back to breathing.

Working from home with kids can be challenging, but creating a productive work environment is possible. To find out how to create a productive work environment while working from home with kids, check out our article on how to create a productive work environment at home with kids.

Listen To Music – Or Not! Let Silence Be Your Friend, Too

Music can be a great tool for helping you focus and relax. You can listen to music that gets you in the mood for certain tasks, like getting ready in the morning or preparing dinner.

If you feel like it helps, try listening to music while working. However, if silence is your friend, then don’t hesitate to use it!

Get Rid Of Clutter And Anything Else Distracting

To create a mindful work environment, you need to get rid of any clutter and anything else that’s distracting you.

When you’re working on tasks in your home office, make sure that your workspace is clean and organized. 

This way it’s much easier to focus on what you’re doing without being distracted by all the messiness around you. 

A clean workspace also makes for a happier workplace because it gives your mind space to breathe freely instead of getting stuck up with all the disruptive things around the room!

Keep A Gratitude Journal Close By

Keeping a gratitude journal close by is a great way to boost your mood and change your thoughts. This can be done in many ways, but the easiest way to get started is by keeping a small notebook in your pocket or on your desk at home. 

Whenever you think of something positive, write it down! It could be something that you are grateful for, or it could simply be something that makes you smile. 

The goal here is not just to record good things that happen; this exercise encourages us to think about our lives as whole instead of focusing on the negative aspects alone.

Cut Yourself Some Slack When You Need It

If you need to, allow yourself to take a break. Sometimes it can be hard to stay focused on our tasks when we’re working from home, and that’s okay! 

Make sure you don’t beat yourself up about it. If you feel like your mind is wandering, then give yourself permission to take a break for a few minutes or even an hour (but only if you want). You can always come back later with renewed focus.

If you’re having trouble getting started on something:

  • Try focusing on one thing at a time instead of multitasking
  • Change your environment by going outside or somewhere else if possible
  • See if there are any other ways you could tackle the task that might work better

Being Comfortable And Getting Enough Rest Help You Stay Focused!

Sleep. The first step toward helping yourself stay focused is getting enough sleep. If you’re not sleeping well, it can negatively affect your mental health, making it even harder to focus on an important project at work or home. 

Try going to bed earlier than usual and setting a regular schedule for when you go to sleep and wake up each day so that your body knows when it’s time for rest.

Exercise during the day! If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, try exercising during the day instead of before bedtime this will help wear out some of those extra energy stores in your body while also making sure that they’re there when they need to be in order for you to wake up feeling rested and ready!


We hope this post has inspired you to create a more mindful work environment. We know that it’s hard to change habits, but if you start small and keep at it, you can make big changes in your life!

Further Reading

Eight mindfulness tips for working from home: This article provides tips on how to incorporate mindfulness into your workday and create a peaceful working environment at home.

How to create a mindful home office: This article discusses how to create a workspace that promotes mindfulness and focus, and provides tips on how to create a calming work environment.

10 ways to be more mindful at work: This article explores different ways to incorporate mindfulness into the workday and promote a more productive and balanced work environment.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

How can mindfulness help in the workplace?

Practicing mindfulness in the workplace can help improve focus, reduce stress, increase productivity, and promote overall wellbeing.

How can I incorporate mindfulness into my workday?

You can incorporate mindfulness into your workday by taking breaks, focusing on breathing, practicing gratitude, and engaging in mindful activities such as meditation or yoga.

How can I create a mindful work environment at home?

You can create a mindful work environment at home by designating a workspace, minimizing distractions, incorporating calming elements such as plants or essential oils, and setting clear boundaries between work and personal time.

What are the benefits of practicing mindfulness?

Practicing mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, increase resilience, boost immune system function, and improve overall wellbeing.