How To Create A Productive Work Environment At Home With Kids

Working from home with kids can be a challenge, but it can also be rewarding. I’ve been able to build my business from home and now have the opportunity to spend time with my family. Here are some tips for making working from home with children productive:

How to Create a Productive Work Environment
Tips for creating a productive work environment at home with kids
Ways to stay productive when working from home with kids
Common challenges of working from home with kids
Strategies for prioritizing work while working from home with kids
Importance of open communication in managing work and kids at home

Finding The Right Space

The most important thing to consider is finding a space that is quiet and distraction-free. This means that you should not be working in the kitchen, where there is constant noise from pots and pans, or in your office/study/home office – even if it’s designed for work, it’s still full of distractions like electronic devices and people dropping by. 

You also want to make sure that your space isn’t too big or too small – having too much room can mean that you feel like you need to use every inch of it (and might end up feeling overwhelmed), but being cramped in an area with no elbow room can cause frustration when trying to get work done.

You’ll also want to make sure your environment is clean and organized so that as soon as your kids walk into their rooms they feel like they’re stepping into their own sanctuary rather than an extension of yours. 

It helps if these areas have good lighting as well; while natural light is ideal (especially during those winter months), artificial lighting can help set a more relaxing mood when paired with dimmer switches! 

Finally, try adding some soft cushions or bean bags so everyone has somewhere comfortable to sit down while doing their homework together.”

Balancing work and parenting can be a challenging task when you’re working from home. Check out our tips for working from home with kids to learn ways to juggle your work and parenting responsibilities effectively.

Let Children Know What You’re Working On

When you’re working on something, your children will probably be curious about what you’re doing. Let them know! It’s important for kids to understand the value of work and that it is a necessary part of life. 

When explaining your work, try to use terms they can understand. If you are building a website for clients, discuss how websites help people find information and make purchases online.

If you are writing an article, explain why writing is important in our society and how it helps us learn about new things and hopefully get kids interested in reading!

If there’s anything specific about the project that may be difficult for younger children to understand (such as technical concepts), take the time to explain it at another time when they are older or more mature enough to grasp the concept more easily

Tools for Letting Children Know What You’re Working On

Tool NameDescription
TrelloA project management tool that can be used to keep track of your tasks and assignments. Use it to create a family board where you can add your tasks and let your kids know what you’re working on.
TodoistA task management tool that can be used to create a shared to-do list with your kids. This will help them understand your tasks and priorities, and let them know what you’re working on.
AsanaA collaboration tool that can be used to assign tasks to yourself and your kids. You can also use it to create a family project board where you can track your progress and communicate with your kids about your work.
Google CalendarA calendar app that can be used to schedule your work and share it with your kids. You can also create a separate calendar for your kids’ activities and events and easily block out time for family time.
SlackA communication tool that can be used to message your kids or share updates with them. Create a family channel in Slack, where you can share your progress and let your kids know what you’re working on.

Always Let Them Know When You’re Available

But don’t worry. This doesn’t mean that you need to set aside a specific time for your child to check in with you, or that you have to be available at all times. 

It does mean that when they want something from you maybe for help with homework or just because they want to tell their mother about something funny that happened at school you need to be able to respond quickly and efficiently.

There are several ways of doing this:

Put a calendar on your fridge or another prominent place where both parents can see it. Mark down what date and time each of the kids has an activity scheduled, so each parent knows when the other will be back home by themselves (and vice versa).

Try setting up regular “family meetings” with your partner where everyone gets together and talks about how things are going at home. 

This is an ideal way for parents who work from home together as well as those who work separately but live under one roof; it’s also nice because conversations can often get derailed if there’s too much going on around them!

Creating a comfortable and inspiring home office environment can help boost your productivity. Check out our guide on creating a comfortable and inspiring home office environment to learn more about creating the perfect workspace for yourself.

Make Time For Fun

While it’s important that you make time for your children, don’t forget to make time for yourself as well. The last thing you want is to be so exhausted from being a parent that you stop enjoying being with your kids.

While it might seem like a luxury, taking some time away from your day job can actually be beneficial to its productivity. It will give you the chance to recharge and come up with new ideas, as well as provide some much-needed respite from pressure at work.

If possible, try working out of other locations besides home—coffee shops are great places if they’re kid-friendly! Or if there’s space in the office where everyone has their own private workspace, give that a shot too!

Tools for Making Time For Fun

Tool NameDescription
HeadspaceA meditation app that can be used to help you unwind and reduce stress. Take a few minutes each day to meditate and clear your mind, which can help you focus and make time for fun activities.
TogglA time-tracking tool that can be used to monitor how you spend your time. Use it to identify tasks that take up too much time and adjust your schedule accordingly to make time for fun activities.
RescueTimeA productivity tool that can be used to track your device usage. Use it to identify apps or websites that distract you and take up too much of your time so that you can prioritize your leisure time.
HootsuiteA social media management tool that can be used to schedule your social media posts in advance. This will help you save time and make it easier to step away from social media and spend time doing fun activities with your family.
GrouponA deals platform that can be used to find discounted activities and experiences in your local area. Use it to discover fun activities and events that you and your family can enjoy together without breaking the bank.

Use Technology To Your Advantage

  • Take advantage of technology.
  • Use your phone to take pictures of your kids, and then use an app to track their progress.
  • Keep in touch with family using a video call app if you don’t live near them, so that you can still feel like you are part of the family even when you are working from home.
  • Find apps that will help manage your time better, so that there is no wasted effort!

Staying organized is key to maximizing productivity while working from home. Check out our guide on organizing your home office for maximum productivity to learn helpful tips for keeping your workspace organized and efficient.

Set Clear Boundaries And Expectations

Set clear boundaries and expectations. Your kids should know what is expected of them as well as what is not allowed in your workspace. Let them know when they can ask questions, such as “I’m working on this project right now. If you need something, I’ll be done by 2:00 or 2:30.”

Don’t take on too much at once. It’s tempting to try and get everything done at once, but it will only stress you out more and make it harder for everyone to do their job when they have other things going on in their lives too! 

Make sure that any deadlines are realistic—it’s okay if some projects aren’t completed by the time they’re due!

Tools for Setting Clear Boundaries and Expectations

Tool NameDescription
Google DocsA cloud-based document editor that can be used to create a family contract. Use it to establish rules and expectations for the whole family, including boundaries for everyone’s work and leisure time.
CircleA parental control device that can be used to manage screen time and filter content. Use it to set clear boundaries on device usage, including time limits and scheduling it around your work hours.
Be FocusedA time management app that can be used to stay focused on tasks and block out distractions. Use it to schedule work and leisure times, and set clear boundaries on when you’ll be working and when you’ll be spending time with the family.
ZoomA video conferencing tool that can be used to host family meetings. Use it to discuss and update expectations for work and play times, and also to give updates on tasks and progress.
NotionA productivity app that can be used to create a family wiki. Use it to keep track of rules, routines, and expectations for the whole family, including work schedules and down times.

Now Is Not The Time For A Schedule Change

You may be tempted to respond by changing your schedule because you now have kids. While this is normal, it’s not always best for you.

If your routine has worked well and allowed you to get things done, then why change it? There’s no reason that a schedule can’t work just as well with kids in the picture. If anything, having children might make our schedules more productive. 

According to research published by Harvard Business School and Wharton University, working women are 40% more likely than men to say they feel a sense of accomplishment when completing tasks at home rather than at work (1).

And if we can take advantage of these positive feelings by keeping our productive routines intact while still balancing family duties with adult responsibilities at work (like answering emails), then shouldn’t we stick with what works?

Prioritizing tasks can help you stay focused and accomplish more. Check out our guide on how to prioritize tasks for maximum productivity to learn practical tips on prioritizing your work for maximum efficiency.

Don’t Forget About Yourself

You’re not just a parent, but also a human being. You need to take care of yourself so you can be the best version of yourself for your family and kids. 

That means making sure that you get enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and exercising regularly. It’s not selfish for you to think about yourself; it’s actually necessary for your happiness!

  • Take time to relax and unwind

Don’t forget that life isn’t all about work – sometimes it’s okay to relax by watching some TV or taking a nap with your kid(s) after they go down for the night (or earlier if possible). 

If possible, try having an hour at night when no one does anything except relax – maybe even turn off all non-essential electronics like phones/tablets/computers so everyone can focus on people instead of screens.”

Stay Connected With The Outside World

When you’re a parent working from home, it can be hard to stay in touch with friends and family who aren’t also parents. 

If you’re on vacation or traveling for work, it’s even harder. It can be helpful to have a separate phone (or phone number) just for communicating with friends and family: one that doesn’t ding every time there’s an incoming text or email. This way, when they call they can actually get through!

  • Keep up with the news

If you’re feeling isolated from the outside world, try reading current events online in the morning before your kids wake up so that you know what’s going on in politics and pop culture when they do wake up (and start asking questions).

Finding ways to stay focused and motivated while working from home is crucial for achieving your goals. Check out our guide on staying focused and motivated while working from home to learn about strategies that will help you stay motivated and maximize productivity.

Don’t Forget To Play!

It’s important to still keep some fun in your life. Play is critical for kids’ development, but it’s also healthy for adults it allows you to relax, recharge and refocus on what’s most important. 

But making time for play can be challenging when you’re trying to balance work, family and household responsibilities. So how do you make time?

First things first: find ways to incorporate play into your daily routine. If possible, schedule “play dates” with friends or other moms who have children around the same age as yours so that all mothers can benefit from a bit of down time together while at least one parent watches the kids simultaneously; this will help ensure that no one feels like they need an excuse not attend because they’re afraid of leaving their child unattended (or vice versa). 

Another option is reserving an hour or two each week where everyone gets together at someone’s house and just hangs out—without any electronics! It doesn’t have to cost anything either; maybe just bring cookies or muffins over instead of going out for lunch every day for a month–you’ll save money AND get more quality family time!

Finally: choose toys wisely! Your goal should be not only encouraging imagination but also helping them learn new skills through playtime activities like cooking imaginary meals or setting up elaborate tent cities in their room (which might also double as storage space). 

Toys should enhance creativity rather than limit it by providing too many restrictions on what kinds of games can be played with them–the best ones are those which encourage open-ended play rather than scripted ones requiring specific rulesets such as video games (although these may still have value depending on the situation).

Stay Active

Exercise is a key part of your health and well-being. When you exercise, both your body and mind feel better. 

Exercise can help reduce stress, boost your energy levels and improve moods. It also gives you an opportunity to spend time with family members or friends—which makes them happier too!

You don’t have to join a gym or run marathons for this approach to work: All it takes is choosing how you’ll move more during the day and sticking with it for at least 30 minutes each day of the week (or whatever works best for your schedule). 

The trick is finding activities that are enjoyable enough that they don’t seem like work but still give your body what it needs in terms of physical activity.

Here are some examples:

Go on walks around the neighborhood after dinner every night with kids in tow (or just one child if there are multiple). Pack healthy snacks so everyone stays fueled up throughout the evening as they walk around together exploring new places in their community.

Take turns playing tag outside every afternoon before dinner time begins so children burn off excess energy just before eating—a win-win situation since this also improves digestion when done alongside mealtime!

Working From Home With Kids Can Be Hard, But These Tips Help Ensure It Goes Smoothly

Set boundaries. Children need to know what is expected of them and when they will get your attention and vice versa. 

Give yourself a set amount of time to work each day, keep up on your email during that time and then turn off the computer and give everyone else some attention.

Be clear about what you are working on and how long you will be focused on it (i.e., “I’m going to focus for 30 minutes”). 

Explain why this is important for you for example, “Because I am trying to finish my article.” This can help prevent resentment toward you as well as frustration if children think they might distract or interrupt your work session (which could result in losing focus). 

It may also help provide an opportunity for kids who want something from you but don’t know how ask questions politely: “Mommy? Can I do this?”


Working from home with children can be challenging, but you can make it work by following some simple guidelines. The most important thing is to create a space that works for everyone and to keep it organized. 

You should also set clear boundaries, expectations and rules for your kids so they know what’s expected of them when they are at home as well as when they go outside of the house. Finally, don’t forget that everyone needs some time to relax!

Here’s the Further Reading section in H2 based on the URLs provided:

Further Reading

Creating a Productive Work from Home Environment: Learn practical tips on how to create a productive work environment at home from this comprehensive guide by EveryWoman.

Six Ways to Stay Productive When Working from Home with Kids: Get insights on how to stay productive while working from home with kids by reading this helpful article by Robert Walters Group.

Working from Home with Kids: Tips from Help Scout Parents: Discover helpful tips on how to manage work and kids while working from home from this insightful article by Help Scout.

Here is the FAQs section based on the semantic of the title:


What are some tips for creating a productive work environment at home with kids?

Some tips for creating a productive work environment at home with kids include setting up a dedicated workspace, establishing a routine, setting boundaries with family members, and prioritizing tasks.

How can I stay productive while working from home with kids?

Some ways to stay productive while working from home with kids include setting a schedule, delegating tasks, taking breaks, using productivity tools, and communicating with family members.

What are some common challenges of working from home with kids?

Some common challenges of working from home with kids include managing distractions, finding work-life balance, dealing with interruptions, and coping with increased stress levels.

How can I prioritize my work while working from home with kids?

Some ways to prioritize your work while working from home with kids include creating a to-do list, prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, and breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.

How can I communicate my needs with my family while working from home with kids?

Communicating openly and honestly with your family is key to managing work and kids at home. Some ways to communicate your needs include setting boundaries, having regular check-ins, and asking for help when needed.