Staying Focused And Motivated While Working From Home

Working from home is great, but it can be tough to stay focused and motivated. We’ve all been there: You’re working on an important project, but then you get distracted by something else. 

Maybe it’s a text message or a phone call, or maybe you just need to check your email and see what’s going on. 

This kind of distraction can be detrimental to productivity, so here are some tips for staying focused while working from home:

Beat Distractions, Stay Motivated & Productive
Tips for staying focused while working from home
Strategies for staying motivated and productive
Importance of self-care and work-life balance
Tools and resources for managing time and tasks
Challenges and solutions for working from home
Benefits of mindfulness for reducing stress and improving focus

1. Make a Schedule & Keep to a Routine

There are many ways to go about this. I personally use a calendar app on my phone, and set up reminders for myself. This helps me stay organized and on track with my tasks.

If you have trouble remembering to take breaks and get some exercise, or if you’re prone to overscheduling yourself, an alarm program like Google Calendar can help remind you when it’s time for lunch or when a scheduled appointment comes up.

Creating a self-care routine is an important aspect of staying motivated and focused while working from home. Our guide on self-care routines can help you develop a routine tailored to your needs.

2. Set Boundaries Around Your Time

If you’re working from home, there’s no one to tell you when to stop working and no one watching over your shoulder. This can lead to a tendency to work long hours, which can lead to burnout and stress. 

To avoid this, set boundaries around your time and stick to them. If you have a spouse or kids, it might be helpful for everyone if they know that after dinner is family time—no matter what kind of project or deadline is looming!

  • Create A Routine That Fits Your Personal Needs And Schedule

Your natural inclination might be to start each day by checking email and social media on your phone before getting into any real work. 

You might also find yourself taking frequent breaks throughout the day so that you can check in with coworkers via Slack or catch up on some reading in another tab while still being able to keep an eye on your inboxes (which may make it hard not having distractions). 

Try putting strict limits on these behaviors—for example, only checking email once per hour so that other things don’t get neglected too much.

Time Management Tools for Setting Boundaries

RescueTimeTracks time spent on apps and websites and provides reports to help you manage your digital habits
TogglA simple time tracking app that allows you to track how much time you spend on specific tasks or projects
ForestAn app that helps you stay focused by gamifying the process of time-blocking and setting boundaries around your phone usage.
Google CalendarA free time management tool that allows you to schedule appointments and set reminders for important events
Focus@WillA productivity app that provides specially curated music designed to improve focus and increase productivity
FreedomA website blocker and distraction-free app that helps you stay focused and free from digital distractions
BoomerangA scheduling tool that lets you set boundaries around your email sending and receiving times
CalendlyA scheduling tool that allows you to set boundaries around your availability for meetings and appointments
AsanaA project management tool that helps you manage tasks and deadlines, set reminders, and delegate tasks to team members

Note: Brand names have been used where it might be helpful for users who are seeking specific app recommendations in regards to time management and setting boundaries.

3. Create a Workspace

When you’re working at home, it’s crucial to have a space that is comfortable and conducive to working. 

It’s also important that this workspace is conducive to your concentration level. For example, if you work best in silence but your roommate likes to blast music while he’s studying for the bar exam in the next room, then you’ll need another place where you can go.

The size of your workspace should be appropriate for what it needs to be used for—don’t try to fit too much into a tiny corner or cram every piece of tech equipment imaginable into one small area just because they’re all things that belong together on paper (or in an Amazon listing). 

Make sure there is enough legroom so that people don’t trip over wires when walking through; generally speaking, if something needs cord management then make sure it has plenty of slack room around its power source so that anyone using it will have access without tripping over anything during their normal routine.

Mindfulness can transform the way we handle stress, leading to a more focused and motivated mindset. Learn about the power of mindfulness and how it can benefit your overall well-being.

4. Do Something Active Every Morning

Get your blood flowing every morning.

You don’t have to be a gym rat or marathon runner, but getting up and moving around for at least 30 minutes every morning will set you up for success throughout the day.

For example, I like to take my dog on a long walk before breakfast. It’s amazing how much more productive I am once we get back from our walk!

Active Morning Routine Tools and Resources

Nike Training ClubA free fitness app that offers a variety of workouts and personalized training programs tailored to your fitness level
Peloton DigitalA subscription-based fitness app that offers live and on-demand classes in various disciplines, including cycling, running, and yoga
FiitA fitness app that offers on-demand classes, and personalized training plans with audio-guided workouts for cardio, strength, and yoga
AaptivAn audio-only fitness app that provides personal training with a wide range of workouts and community support
HeadspaceA mindfulness and meditation app that offers guided meditation sessions for various durations in parallel with various activities
Echelon ConnectA subscription-based cycling app that offers live and on-demand cycling classes with live leaderboard challenges
Fitbit CoachA health and fitness app that offers personalized workout experiences, combining the brevity of a 7-minute workout with the expertise of a certified personal trainer
MyFitnessPalA free nutrition and exercise tracking app that tracks your calorie intake, macros, and progress on the go
YogaGloA subscription-based yoga platform offering more than 4000 yoga classes across different levels, styles and durations with personalized training programs

Note: Brand names have been used where it might be helpful for users who are seeking specific workout or fitness app recommendations related to incorporating activity in their morning routines.

5. Meditate Before You Start Work

Meditation is a great way to start your workday. It can help you focus and stay motivated, which are key components when working from home. 

There are many different forms of meditation, but one that I’ve found works especially well for me is Vipassana meditation. You can find more information about it here: Vipassana Meditation for Beginners

If you don’t want to commit to a full-blown meditation practice or aren’t quite ready for something so involved, there are also many apps that offer guided meditations in under five minutes long. I recommend Headspace (iPhone/Android) since its free and has good content

Remote work comes with its own set of challenges, including time management and focus. Check out our guide on remote work and time management to discover some useful tools and tips for staying productive while working remotely.

6. Take Breaks During the Day

This is a tricky one, but it’s essential for getting through your day. It can be hard to step away from your desk and just take some time for yourself, but doing so helps you stay motivated and focused throughout the day.

  • Give Yourself a Break Every Hour or So

I’ve found that it’s helpful to give myself a break every hour or so, even if I don’t think I need it—just because I’m not tired yet doesn’t mean that I won’t be later on in the day! If you have an hour break built into your work schedule (like many online jobs), try walking around outside for five minutes at each break time. 

This will help clear your mind and get rid of any stress that might be building up inside of you as well as give your body some exercise; after all, sitting down all day can lead to back pain if done incorrectly! 

You’ll also want to make sure that when taking breaks from work-related activities like writing blog posts or answering emails from potential clients/customers…

Productivity Tools for Taking Breaks Throughout the Day

Tomato TimerA simple, free browser-based timer that uses the Pomodoro technique to help you focus for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.
Time OutA free app for Mac users that reminds you to take breaks and offers different options for micro and macro breaks.
StretchlyA free, open-source app for Windows, Linux, and Mac that encourages taking regular breaks and offers customizable options for Work:Break durations.
Forest AppA productivity app that gamifies the process of staying focused by planting a tree that grows over a set period of time, during which using phone is prohibited
EyeLeoA free app for Windows that reminds you to take breaks and provides exercises to prevent eye strain and other health problems.
DeskTimeA time tracking app that also reminds you to take regular breaks, and offers customizable options for break duration and frequency.
F.luxA software application for Windows, Mac, and Linux that adjusts the color temperature of your computer screen to reduce eye strain and improve sleep cycles.
WiseTimeA time tracking app that tracks your activities on multiple apps and automatically suggests work-break ratios based on machine learning.
Stand Up!An app that reminds you to stand up and stretch your muscles at regular intervals throughout the day, lowering the risks associated with long-term sitting.

Note: Brand names have been used where it might be helpful for users who are seeking specific app recommendations related to taking breaks throughout the day for better productivity.

7. Have an End-of-Day Ritual

As the day winds down, you should get ready to wrap up your work. Set a time in advance (for example, 5:00 PM) and stick to it. 

You’ll feel more accomplished when you know that at a specific time of day you will be done with your current project or task.

Other ways to end your workday:

Give yourself a break from work. Do something relaxing like reading or meditating.

Get enough sleep! The best way to make sure this happens is by setting an alarm so that you won’t stay up too late working on something that isn’t urgent or important enough for those precious hours before bedtime

Staying organized is key to staying focused and motivated at work. With our tips on staying organized in your home office, you can create a workspace that encourages productivity and keeps you on track.

8. Practice Gratitude Daily

There are many benefits to practicing gratitude. The first is that it’s good for your mental health. Gratitude helps you be happier and more optimistic, which can make you less stressed and anxious. It also makes you more resilient when life throws curveballs at you.

The second benefit of practicing gratitude is that it improves your relationships with other people, including your coworkers and family members. 

When we’re grateful for what we have in our lives, our relationships become stronger because we are able to appreciate the value of others. 

And when everyone in an organization feels appreciated, productivity increases because people feel like they belong instead of feeling like an outsider who doesn’t matter much to management or co-workers

9. Be Mindful of Your Diet and Nutrition

When it comes to staying healthy and productive, one of the most important things you can do is control your diet. 

While you may be able to get away with eating poorly while you are at work, working from home means that there are no scheduled breaks or lunch hours in which you need to eat something. This can lead to some serious problems if not handled properly.

The first step toward better nutrition is understanding what foods help keep energy levels high, maintain focus and concentration, and reduce stress. 

For example, there are certain nutrients found in leafy greens like spinach that have been shown to improve cognitive function as well as reduce anxiety levels (see section below). 

Similarly, there are certain amino acids found in foods such as eggs that help produce serotonin – a neurotransmitter responsible for maintaining mood balance (this subject will be covered further down).

In addition to knowing what types of food should be included in their diets on a regular basis (e.g., fruits & vegetables), many people who work from home also wish they could lose weight or gain muscle mass quickly without resorting to drastic measures like surgery or steroids/hormones injections; fortunately there’s an easy way they can achieve these results through proper nutrition during mealtime!

Prioritizing tasks can help you achieve maximum productivity, especially when you’re working from home. Our guide on how to prioritize tasks offers tips and tricks for managing your workload and staying motivated in the process.

10. Get Adequate Rest Each Night

Staying focused and motivated while working from home can be a challenge, especially if you have children who need to be watched. 

The solution? Get adequate rest each night. Sleep is important for brain function, which makes it easier to focus on the task at hand. It also helps your body recover from the day’s activities, making it less likely that you’ll get sick or injured during your workday.

As with everything else in health and fitness, everyone has different needs when it comes to sleep duration but seven-to-nine hours is a good average number of sleep hours per night for most adults (and 10-12 hours per night for teenagers). 

If you’re finding it difficult getting into bed earlier than usual and falling asleep faster than normal because of stressors like working as an entrepreneur or freelancer or having kids at home who require attention or care throughout the day, try taking advantage of relaxation techniques such as meditation before bedtime so that your mind is calm when trying go out after work.

11. Remind Yourself Why You Wanted to Work From Home in the First Place

Remind yourself why you wanted to work from home in the first place.

Maybe it’s because you wanted to be more productive, or spend more time with your family, or maybe it was because your commute was killing you and you wanted a change of scenery. Whatever the reason, remind yourself! 

Having shorter commutes means more time for being with friends or family. Working from anywhere means that no matter what happens on the road (whether snowstorms or accidents), you will still be able to get work done and not worry about it keeping up with deadlines.

12. Find Things to Look Forward To Throughout the Day

The next step is to create a schedule that fits into your day. This can be as simple as knowing when you will take breaks, when you will eat lunch, and what time of day you intend to work on each project or task. 

You can also look forward to things like having coffee with friends in the afternoon or going out for dinner at night. 

The key here is having something that provides motivation during long stretches of time spent working from home without the distraction of other people around you.

13. Manage Stress in Healthy Ways

If you’re working from home, you might find that the isolation can lead to stress and anxiety. The first thing to remember is that this is a normal part of life; you’re not alone in feeling stressed out, and no matter how much time goes by, it will always be something that affects us all at some point or another. 

It is important to recognize when we are becoming overly stressed and try to manage it before it becomes a problem.

There are many different ways of managing stress. One option is exercise: running outside or going for a walk can help clear your head and let go of any pent-up energy that may be causing tension in your body (and mind). 

Another option is meditation taking 15 minutes each day to sit quietly and clear your mind can help keep things balanced throughout the rest of the day. 

If these options don’t appeal to you personally, there are other healthy ways of managing stress available such as journaling or finding someone who will listen without judgment if needed depending on what works best for each individual person!

14. Reflect on How Far You’ve Come

Staying focused and motivated while working from home can be a challenge. Here are some ways to help yourself stay on track:

Reflect on how far you’ve come. Think about where you were when you first started working from home, and how far away that seems compared to where you are now. 

Did your approach change at all? Did it take longer than expected or was it easier than expected? What challenges did you face along the way, and how did they change over time? How can this experience help others who want to work from home too?

15. Look for a Support System – Virtual or Otherwise

As you go through the process of creating a productive and healthy home office, it’s important to have others around you who understand what you’re going through. 

Whether that means reaching out to friends and family, or joining a community of like-minded people online, having others in your corner can help provide motivation when things get tough. 

There are plenty of resources available to help find this support system whether it be joining an online forum or getting involved with a local group that helps entrepreneurs succeed but figuring out how you want to do this is up to you.


We hope that these tips help you to stay motivated and focused while working from home. If you are struggling with stress or anxiety, remember that there is always someone who can help. 

If this is something affecting you and your work, consider reaching out for support from friends and family members or seeking professional counseling services if necessary.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you stay motivated while working from home:

Verywell Mind: Tips for Staying Motivated When You Work From Home – this article provides practical tips for staying motivated and productive while working from home.

Michael Page: Seven Ways to Keep Motivated When Working From Home – this article offers seven practical tips for staying motivated and focused while working from home, including creating a routine and taking breaks.

Forbes: How to Stay Motivated While Working From Home – this article offers tips for staying motivated and productive while working from home, including setting goals and taking care of your physical and mental health.


How can I stay motivated while working from home?

There are several ways to stay motivated when working from home, including creating a routine, setting goals, taking breaks, and staying connected with colleagues.

What are some tips for staying productive while working from home?

Some tips for staying productive while working from home include creating a designated workspace, minimizing distractions, taking breaks, and prioritizing tasks.

How can I maintain a healthy work-life balance while working from home?

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance while working from home can be challenging, but some tips include setting boundaries, creating a routine, and taking breaks.

What are some common challenges of working from home, and how can I overcome them?

Common challenges of working from home include feeling isolated, managing distractions, and maintaining a work-life balance. Overcoming these challenges may involve setting boundaries, staying connected with colleagues, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Why is it important to take care of my physical and mental health when working from home?

Working from home can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and increased stress, which can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. Taking care of your physical and mental health can help improve focus, productivity, and overall well-being.