Remote Work And Time Management: Using Tools To Stay On Track

If you work from home, there are some things that you can do to make sure that you stay on track throughout the day.

Remote Work Strategies and Time Management
Proper time management is crucial for remote workers, as it helps them stay organized and productive
There are various tools and techniques that remote workers can use to manage their time effectively
Prioritizing tasks and setting achievable goals can help remote workers stay motivated and focused
Avoiding distractions, taking regular breaks, and setting clear boundaries can prevent burnout while working remotely
Building a support system and staying connected with colleagues can help remote workers overcome feelings of isolation and stay engaged

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a simple time management strategy where you block out time on your calendar for specific tasks. You can either use one long block of uninterrupted time to get something done, or you can break it up into smaller blocks, like 30 minutes here and an hour there.

The best part about time blocking is that it gives you control over your days, which allows you to prioritize the tasks that are most important and eliminate the ones that aren’t necessary for success at work. 

If there’s something that needs to be done but doesn’t require all of your attention (or if it just takes too long), then move it outside of your smaller blocks so that they’re still accounted for in their entirety. You’ll feel more productive when this happens!

If all else fails, consider using an app like Toggl or Timecamp (or even Microsoft Excel) to track how much time each task takes so you know whether or not its worth doing in the future — or even better yet: why not try using Trello instead?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed while working remotely, UnifiedFlexi can help. Our comprehensive guide on maximizing productivity with remote work tools will provide you with tips, tricks, and tools to manage your workday effectively.

Breaking Down Tasks

Break down large tasks into smaller ones. In order to stay on top of your time management, you’ll have to break down the larger tasks into smaller ones that are more manageable. 

For example, if you have an assignment due in a week’s time, break it down into daily goals—for instance: “do half of my reading today,” or “find sources for my research.”

List out each step needed for completing each task. Once you’ve broken down your bigger projects into smaller chunks of work, list out the steps needed for each one so that you know exactly how much progress needs done and what needs done first (and second). This will help keep things organized as well as motivate through completion!

Prioritize tasks by importance/urgency. After listing out all of the parts needed for any given project or task, prioritize them from most important/urgent (i.e., deadline) to least important/urgent (i.e., research topic ideas). 

This way when things start getting busy at work or home life starts becoming chaotic again because everyone is coming home late from school/work etcetera…you’ll know exactly where to start prioritizing your efforts first before moving onto other projects later on down the road 🙂

Task Management Tools for Efficiently Breaking Down Tasks

TrelloKanban-style boards, cards, and lists, card and board templates, calendar view, integrationsFree, Business Class ($9.99/user/month), Enterprise (contact for pricing)
AsanaCustom fields, board and list views, timeline and calendar views, automations, integrationsFree, Premium ($10.99/user/month), Business ($24.99/user/month), Enterprise (contact for pricing)
ClickUpMultiple views (list, board, mindmap, calendar, Gantt chart), task dependencies, recurring tasks, time tracking, integrationsFree, Unlimited ($5/user/month), Business ($9/user/month), Enterprise (contact for pricing)
TodoistProjects and sub-projects, task priorities, recurring tasks, reminders, integrationsFree, Premium ($3/user/month), Business (contact for pricing)
Monday.comCustomizable boards, multiple views (table, board, timeline, map, calendar), automations, integrationsBasic ($8/user/month), Standard ($10/user/month), Pro ($16/user/month), Enterprise (contact for pricing)

This table highlights some of the top task management tools available for breaking down tasks and managing them efficiently. These tools offer a variety of features designed to help remote workers plan, organize, and execute their tasks and projects, from Kanban boards to custom fields, recurring tasks to time tracking. The pricing for each tool varies, with some offering free plans and others requiring a monthly or annual fee.

Setting Priorities

When you’re working remotely, it’s easy to get distracted by the small stuff and lose focus of the big picture. 

To stay on track, prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance. That way, you can focus on doing the things that are really important, instead of wasting time on tasks that aren’t as urgent or important.

For example: if you have a deadline looming for an upcoming project and an employee has just submitted some new content for review, start with their submission first (because it’s more urgent). Then move on to your deadline (because it’s more important).

If ever in doubt about what task should be prioritized first, ask yourself this question: “What will make my life easier?”

Time management is key, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn 12 simple time management strategies that can help you stay organized and increase your productivity while working remotely.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Automate repetitive tasks. As we mentioned above, there are a number of apps that can help you stay on top of your schedule and productivity. 

Here are some of the most popular:

To-do list apps like Wunderlist or Todoist allow you to keep track of what tasks need to be done during the day, week or month. They also provide reminders so you don’t forget anything important!

Calendar apps like Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook can help organize your events in one place so you don’t have to worry about forgetting something important (like an upcoming meeting).

Productivity tools like Rescue Time or LogMeIn allow you to keep track of how much time is spent working versus playing around online throughout the day. These tools will also provide insights as well as suggestions for improving productivity over time!

Time tracking software like Hubstaff allows remote workers not only record their hours worked but also monitor what sites were visited during those hours too!

Task Automation Tools to Streamline Repetitive Tasks

ZapierConnect apps and automate workflows, create triggers and actions, multi-step Zaps, custom integrations3000+ apps, including Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Todoist, Monday.comFree, Starter ($19.99/month), Professional ($49/month), Team ($299/month), Company (contact for pricing)
IFTTTCreate “applets” to automate tasks, connect devices and services, customize triggers and actions700+ apps, including Google, Alexa, Trello, Asana, TodoistFree, Pro ($9.99/month or $99.99/year)
Microsoft Power AutomateAutomate workflows across various apps, create flows and automations, integrate with Microsoft and third-party apps400+ apps, including Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Monday.comFree, per-user plans (starting at $15/user/month)
IntegromatConnect apps and automate workflows, multi-level scenarios, custom integrations, error handling500+ apps, including Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Todoist, Monday.comFree, Basic ($9/month), Standard ($29/month), Business ($99/month), Platinum ($299/month)

Estimate Task Times

The easiest way to manage your time is by estimating task times. This can be done based on your past experience, or by using a timer when you are working on a new project. When using a timer, you can set it for how long you think it will take to complete the task. If you finish early, give yourself a reward!

An important part of managing your time is scheduling it in advance. You don’t want to wait until the day before an assignment is due and realize that you haven’t started yet; instead schedule everything at least two weeks beforehand so that if something comes up later on there is still enough time left over to complete everything successfully. 

It’s also helpful if coworkers know which days they need to work together because then they won’t have any surprises come up unexpectedly later down the road (which could otherwise cause problems).

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management method that can help you stay focused on a task by breaking it into manageable intervals. Learn how to use this technique effectively in our guide on boosting productivity one timer at a time.

Work Within Your Energy Cycle

It’s true that our energy cycles are different for everyone. Some people prefer to work in the morning, while others prefer working in the afternoon. But whatever your preferred time is, the most important thing is to stick with it!

When you work within your energy cycle, you’ll feel less drained and more productive. Also, if you’re like me and have a hard time waking up early without coffee or other stimulants (though I’m trying harder!), then this method will be especially helpful. 

I find that even if I wake up around 5am on weekdays when I’m not working remotely yet, I often end up wasting my first few hours awake surfing social media or browsing Netflix instead of getting any actual work done until about 10am or so. 

By working from home during these early hours where my mind isn’t quite ready yet but my body has no choice but to be active anyway (at least at first), it helps both sides become accustomed to functioning at certain times throughout the day rather than just whenever they feel like it!

If possible and only if possible I also recommend planning out days off into your schedule so that they fall outside of what would normally be considered “prime” productivity hours for yourself; otherwise those may just get eaten up by unexpected meetings with clients or friends who want catch-up sessions before going back into normal business mode again tomorrow morning.”

Productivity Apps to Help You Work Within Your Energy Cycle

Focus@WillPersonalized focus music, custom channels, productivity tracker, Pomodoro timerTrello, Asana, Todoist, Google CalendarFree trial, Premium ($9.95/month or $99/year)
Brain.fmAI-generated focus music, meditation, sleep, and relaxation tracks, productivity tracker, customizable sessionsTrello, Asana, Zapier, Google Calendar, Apple HealthFree trial, Unlimited ($6.99/month or $49.99/year), Lifetime ($149)
RescueTimeAutomatic time tracking, daily reports, real-time alerts, website and app blocking, productivity trackerTrello, Asana, ClickUp, Todoist, Google CalendarFree, Premium ($12/user/month or $78/user/year)
Sleep CycleSleep tracking, wake-up phase analysis, intelligent alarm clock, bedtime support, snore detectionApple Health, Google Fit, Amazon Alexa, Philips HueFree trial, Premium ($29.99/year)
FabulousGoal setting, habit-building, personalized coaching, daily challenges, progress trackingGoogle Calendar, Fitbit, Philips HueFree, Premium (starting at $14.99/month or $59.99/year)

Finish Daily To-Dos Before Socializing Online With Friends And Colleagues

Another way to stay on top of your time and tasks is to cut back on the distractions that tend to pull you away from your work. 

Some people find it helpful to schedule a specific amount of time each day, like an hour or two, where they focus solely on work, then dedicate another block of time for socializing online with friends and colleagues.

Another option is setting up a timer for yourself so that you can limit how much time you spend scrolling through social media each day. 

An app called Stay Focusd (Mac) allows users to set their own limits for apps like Facebook and Twitter—so if you want to make sure that you aren’t spending more than 15 minutes browsing Instagram in one sitting, use this app!

Productivity starts with goal-setting. Our tips and tricks for goal setting can help you establish achievable goals and stay motivated while working from home.

Avoid Multitasking, Which Can Reduce Your Productivity

You might be running on the assumption that multitasking is a necessary skill, but you’d be wrong.

While it’s true that we can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, research shows that our brain functions best when we focus on one thing at a time. 

In fact, researchers from Stanford and Harvard found that task switching costs the amount of time and energy it takes to switch between two tasks can reduce productivity by up to 40%. 

This is because each transition costs about 10 minutes for your brain to get back into gear. Moreover, multitasking can lead to more mistakes; when you’re working in different contexts or on different topics all day long, your brain has trouble retaining information long enough for you to complete an assignment with accuracy and precision.

So what should you do instead? The answer lies in task switching: focusing on one task until completion before moving onto another (or if necessary returning back). By doing this instead of multitasking throughout the day, you’ll increase your productivity level by up to 50%!

Know When You Are Most Productive (And Schedule Accordingly)

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is knowing when you are most productive. The obvious answer is that you are at your best while sitting in front of a screen and typing away, but this can be misleading. 

Sometimes we get more done when we go for a walk around the block or take a quick break to grab some water and chat with our coworkers. 

The key is that there’s one thing all these activities have in common: they interrupt my flow! And since I know myself well enough to know that I’m not as productive after an interruption, it makes sense for me to schedule tasks around my most productive times rather than during those times where I’m hoping for inspiration or motivation.

Asking yourself if you’re feeling unproductive may sound silly   but sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking we’re working hard when really we’re just killing time until something else comes along. 

If this happens often enough, you may want to ask your boss or another trusted colleague who knows both how hard-working you can be AND how often you need breaks from doing nothing but staring at a screen all day long (it happens!).

Prioritizing tasks can be challenging, especially when you’re working remotely. Learn how to prioritize your tasks effectively with our guide on maximum productivity task prioritization and get more done in less time.

Turn Off Notifications During Tasks That Require Undivided Attention

We all know that feeling of being interrupted by an email or text notification. The instant gratification is hard to resist, but it can also be distracting if you’re trying to focus on something else.

To help keep yourself on track and avoid distractions, turn off notifications for your phone and computer during tasks that require undivided attention such as writing emails or working through a task list. 

If you need some motivation in order to stay focused, set a timer for how long you will work without interruption (such as 30 minutes). After the timer goes off, allow yourself 5 minutes of social media time and then go right back into focusing mode!

Keep A Running List Of Tasks (And Ideas) In An Easy-To-Reference Format Like A Google Doc Or Trello Board

If you’re starting a new project or working on a big project, it can be helpful to keep track of the tasks involved in an easy-to-reference format like a Google doc or Trello board. 

It doesn’t matter what tool you use what matters is that it’s easily accessible and has a mobile app so you can access this list wherever you are.

I tend to prefer Trello because I like how visual it is.

Replace Negative Self-Talk With Positive Reinforcement

Negative self-talk is a huge time thief. It can derail your day, and even make it difficult to get up and do work in the morning. 

To keep yourself on track with your remote work schedule, replace negative thoughts with positive reinforcement. 

Make a list of all the things going well in your life and use it as a tool for motivation when you feel yourself slipping into a funk. Positive self-talk can help keep you focused, whether it’s on specific tasks or just staying in motion throughout the day.


There are many things you can do to improve your work productivity. Some of these things may seem minor but they will all add up. 

You don’t have to do them all, or even most of them—just pick one that resonates with you and try it out! 

Remember, the key here is finding an approach that works for you and makes sense in your daily life.

Frther Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you with remote work and time management:


What are some common time management challenges for remote workers?

Remote workers often struggle with distractions, lack of structure, and difficulty unplugging from work, leading to poor time management.

How can I limit distractions while working remotely?

You can limit distractions by setting boundaries with family or roommates, using noise-cancelling earphones, and breaking your day into specific work blocks.

Are there any time management tools specifically designed for remote work?

Yes, there are various time management tools designed for remote workers, such as RescueTime, Trello, and Asana.

How can I avoid burnout while working remotely?

To prevent burnout, you can set manageable goals, take regular breaks, and establish a clear work-life balance.

How can I stay motivated while working from home?

You can stay motivated by setting achievable goals, taking breaks when necessary, and creating a comfortable and inspiring workspace.