Freelancing And Time Management: How To Balance Your Business And Personal Life

Freelancing is a great way to have the freedom of working whenever and wherever you want. However, it can be easy to lose yourself in your work and forget about taking care of yourself or your responsibilities. 

In this article, I’m going to share some tips on how to balance your business and personal life so that you’re able to take care of all aspects of your life as best as possible.

How To Track Your Time as a Freelancer and Why It’s So
Effective time management is critical for freelancers who want to succeed.
Prioritizing self-care and wellness is an important part of maintaining work-life balance while freelancing.
Networking with clients and peers is crucial for building a successful freelancing career.
Remote work comes with its own unique set of challenges, but there are tools and apps available to help freelancers stay organized and focused.
The Pomodoro Technique is a popular and effective time management method used by many freelancers.

Know When To Say No

When it comes to saying no, don’t be afraid of being too nice or hurting someone’s feelings. If you’re unsure about taking on a project because you’re stretched too thin, say so it’s better to risk upsetting someone than it is to put your business at risk. 

If they do take offense, they likely aren’t the kind of client who will bring in a lot of income anyway!

Similarly, if you’ve been working with the same client for a long time and have been unable to turn down jobs that are pushing your time limits (because you want their continued business) consider asking them if they would be willing to pay more for additional services like having someone else help with data entry. 

They may agree so long as they know exactly what they will get out of it in return.

Maintaining work-life balance is crucial to success as a freelancer. The importance of mindfulness offers valuable insights and practical tips on how to reduce stress and find balance in your personal and professional life.

Create A Schedule And Stick To It

A huge part of managing your time is being able to create a schedule and stick to it. You need to make sure that you have set a time for when you will start working, as well as when you are going to stop working. 

This is important because it allows you to be aware of how much time is left in your day, and also prevents burnout from overworking yourself (or underworking). Make sure that these times are realistic; if possible, try using one hour blocks with breaks in between. 

If this isn’t realistic for whatever reason (e.g., some days may be busier than others), just try setting aside some blocks with breaks in between them instead!

If this sounds like something that could help but might still slip through the cracks due to life getting in the way sometimes, don’t worry there’s an app for that! 

There’s actually several apps out there which can remind us when our next break should be coming up so we don’t forget about it (and end up having no idea why we’re so tired all the time…). 

A few examples include Pomodoro Technique Timer or Workrave Portable Timer which allow users who work on computers all day long get their much needed rest while still keeping track of their progress throughout each day/week.”

Calendar and Time Management Tools for Freelancers

Google CalendarFree web-based calendar application that can be synced across multiple devices. Allows users to create, share, and manage events and appointments.
Toggl TrackTime tracking software that allows freelancers to track billable hours and productivity. Includes reports and analytics to help improve performance.
AsanaProject management software that allows users to create task lists, assign tasks to team members, and track progress.
NotionAll-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. Can be customized to suit individual freelancing needs.
RescueTimeTime management software that helps users set goals, block distracting websites, and track time spent on specific tasks.

These tools can help freelancers manage their time effectively and stay on track with their schedules. By utilizing a combination of calendar apps and task managers, freelancers can ensure they are making the most of their time and achieving their goals.

Let Others Help You

When you’re a freelancer, you need to be able to manage your time well. This can be difficult because there are so many things that need to get done at once. You may be working on a project for one client while trying to keep up with the work of other clients. 

It’s important that you learn how to do this so that you don’t stress yourself out too much. The first step towards doing this is learning how to ask for help from friends, family and other people who know what they’re doing when it comes down to managing their own business or personal life.

When I first began freelancing full-time back in 2014 (this was before I had my website), my wife helped me out by taking over some of our household duties so that I could focus all of my energy into making money as a writer without getting distracted from anything else going on around me! 

This worked really well because we had just moved into our new place together after getting married earlier that year; so there were many things like unpacking boxes which needed attention right away! 

Since then she has continued helping me out whenever possible by handling most errands such as grocery shopping since those were things which used up valuable time away from writing articles during those early years.”

Freelancing comes with its own unique set of challenges and stressors. That’s why it’s important to prioritize self-care, even amid busy schedules. Check out our guide on creating a self-care routine to learn more about how you can prioritize your mental and physical well-being while working from home.

Make Sure The People Around You Respect Your Boundaries

Make sure the people around you respect your boundaries. This is especially important with family and friends, who may not understand what it means to be a freelancer or entrepreneur. 

You need to set clear boundaries for them about when you will work and when you will spend time with them or on your own personal projects. 

You also need to make sure that they respect those boundaries once they’ve been set and likewise, that you respect theirs as well.

Collaboration and Communication Tools for Freelancers

SlackReal-time messaging and collaboration platform that allows users to communicate and share files with team members. Includes channels, threads, and direct messaging.
ZoomVideo conferencing software that allows users to host meetings and webinars, share screens and files, and record sessions for later review.
TrelloKanban-style project management software that allows users to create cards for tasks, assign labels and due dates, and track progress on boards.
CalendlyOnline scheduling software that allows freelancers to share their availability and book appointments with clients and team members.
EvernoteNote-taking application that allows users to capture, organize, and share notes and ideas across devices. Includes text, audio, and image recognition.

These tools can help freelancers communicate effectively with clients and team members while maintaining their personal and professional boundaries. By utilizing online scheduling tools and collaboration platforms like Trello and Slack, freelancers can stay organized and on-task while working alongside others.

Be Flexible And Prioritize Your Tasks

As a freelancer, you have to be extremely flexible in terms of time management. You will be responsible for handling multiple projects at once and you need to prioritize your tasks accordingly. 

For example, if there are two jobs that require equal attention but one is urgent and due soon while the other will take some time before it needs attention then you should work on the urgent job first. 

It is also important to make sure that you don’t become too stressed out by trying to finish all of your freelance work within a small amount of time because this may result in lower quality results or even burnout.

  • Set priorities

As mentioned previously, setting priorities is crucial when managing your freelance business as well as personal life together without becoming stressed out from multitasking. Setting priorities helps ensure that each task gets done efficiently without sacrificing quality or taking up too much time overall

Networking is a crucial part of any successful freelancing career. If you’re looking to build strong relationships with clients and peers, be sure to read up on our helpful guide to networking for freelancers.

Redefine What “Perfect” Really Means

The first step toward managing your time is to know what you want. What do you want out of life? What is it that will make you happy? Once you know what makes you happy, then it’s just a matter of working toward those goals. 

So many people spend their entire lives chasing someone else’s dream, or trying to be something they’re not and when they finally achieve the goals they’ve been working towards, they aren’t happy with themselves. 

They never took the time to figure out what would truly make them happy and fulfilled in life

It’s also important when setting goals for yourself that you don’t expect perfection; there are always going to be mistakes along the way and things won’t always go as planned. 

Don’t put pressure on yourself because everyone knows no one has ever achieved 100% success rate in anything! If we did everything perfectly all the time then there wouldn’t be any room for improvement or growth as individuals (or businesses). 

Even if sometimes things don’t work out exactly how we wanted them too–that doesn’t mean its failure; it means learning experience along with an opportunity for growth which will help us better ourselves next time around!

Recognize The “Slow” Periods And Plan Ahead

There are times when your business may be slow, such as during a holiday season or when other companies in your industry are going through a slump. 

Don’t panic! Remember, if you have worked hard to get where you are, then it’s only natural for this type of thing to happen. 

Plan ahead during those times by saving more money so that there will always be something coming in each month (even if it’s not much). 

If you’re a freelancer and don’t have enough work lined up during these slow periods, consider doing some side projects or offering your services at discounted rates so that clients can still pay their bills on time.

Working remotely can offer a great deal of flexibility and freedom, but it can also take a toll on productivity. Fortunately, there are countless apps and tools available to help remote workers stay organized and focused. Check out our guide on the best productivity boosters to discover new tools that can help you reach your goals.

Take Time Off

Taking a break from your work every now and then is a crucial part of being productive. Don’t forget to set aside time for yourself and your family, so you can focus on them when they need it most. 

When starting out as a freelancer, it may be difficult to take time off. However, don’t feel guilty about taking some time off from work. It will help you get back into the swing of things when you return to your desk!

Take that vacation overseas! Or maybe just go for a walk in the park with your dog? Whatever floats your boat!

Stay Organized, But Not Obsessive About It

It’s important to find a system that works for you, but don’t be afraid to change it if it isn’t working.

If you’ve tried keeping your own calendar and managing your business with no help, and you’re still having trouble staying organized, there are plenty of apps out there that can help. 

Asana is a popular task manager app; Trello is another time management app that helps freelancers keep track of projects and clients while also delegating tasks as needed; 

Evernote is great for keeping notes on all kinds of things (not just work-related stuff). Some people prefer using Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook instead. Whatever works! 

The point is not necessarily being more organized than the next person—it’s finding what works best for YOU so that YOU can get things done effectively.

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management method that can help increase productivity and break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Boost your productivity one timer at a time by learning more about how this simple technique can transform the way you work.

When All Else Fails, Ask For Help!

Even if you’re feeling like you have all of the answers, it could be beneficial to ask for help from someone who knows less than you. 

It’s easy to assume that because we’ve been freelancing long enough that we know all there is to know about our business, but this isn’t always the case. 

Sometimes asking someone who knows less than us can provide us with new information or ideas we wouldn’t have thought of on our own.

Asking for help doesn’t mean that you’re weak-minded or incapable of doing your job by yourself—it simply means that sometimes it’s okay (and even beneficial) to rely on others when necessary! 

And while this applies in terms of finding new clients and managing time, it also applies when trying out different strategies within your business model itself: learn from people who’ve done what they did before so that down the line when things look bleak again, there are always solutions at hand.

Taking Care Of Yourself Is An Important Part Of Being A Successful Freelancer Or Business Owner!

Take care of yourself. This is an important part of being a successful freelancer or business owner! You need to make sure that you have time for relaxation and taking care of your own needs.

Make sure you take time off from work to recharge properly, especially at first when it may seem harder.

Don’t neglect friends and family because of your business—they will help keep you grounded when things get tough, and they’ll be there for support when things are going well!

It’s important to maintain a good balance between work and personal life, especially in the early days (or weeks) when everything else revolves around building your business up quickly enough so that it remains profitable long term.


I hope this post was helpful to you in some way. I know it can be tough as a freelancer to find time to manage your business, but with the right attitude and some good practices, you can make your work and personal life balance out just fine!

Here’s the Further Reading section in H2:

Further Reading

How to Balance Freelance Work and Life: Tips from Rock Content: Learn from the experts at Rock Content as they share their tips and tricks for balancing freelance work and personal life.

5 Tips to Properly Manage Your Time as a Freelancer: Entrepreneur Magazine offers valuable insights on how to manage your time effectively as a freelancer.

Freelance Time Management Tips and Strategies: The Balance Money provides practical tips for freelancers who want to master the art of time management.

Here’s the FAQs section based on the semantic of the title:

Freelancing and Time Management: FAQs

What is time management?

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how much time you spend on specific activities to maximize productivity and efficiency.

Why is time management important for freelancers?

Effective time management is critical for freelancers who want to build a successful business. It helps you stay focused, meet deadlines, and increases revenue potential.

How can I improve my time management skills as a freelancer?

Improving time management skills involves setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, delegating, and eliminating distractions from your work environment.

What are some common time management mistakes made by freelancers?

Common time management mistakes made by freelancers include excessive multitasking, procrastination, poor planning, and failing to set realistic goals.

What tools are available to help freelancers improve their time management?

There are countless time management tools available to freelancers, including calendars, task lists, time tracking software, and productivity apps. Some popular tools include Trello, Asana, and Notion.